Jae DiBello Takeuchi
Research & Teaching Projects
Jae DiBello Takeuchi
I am an Associate Professor of Japanese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University.
I use this website to share my research and teaching projects.

I am an Associate Professor of Japanese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University. My areas of specialization are Japanese sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language pedagogy. My research focuses on the experiences of Japanese second language speakers in Japan. I am particularly interested in how they navigate Japanese speech styles, including dialects and keigo, and my research projects examine language choices people make in local communities, workplaces, and leisure activities. I examine language use and beliefs about language using qualitative methods, including microanalysis of interaction and ethnographic interviews. I have an ongoing interest in native speaker bias and monolingual bias. My recent projects focus on Japanese linguistic diversity, linguistic microaggression, and linguistic practices of marginalization and resistance.
News & Events
I am pleased to announce that my book has been released!
Language Ideologies and L2 Speaker Legitimacy
Native Speaker Bias in Japan
Order it direct from Multilingual Matters website
and use coupon code LILSL75 for 75% off until May 31st!
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